Monday, August 4, 2008



I noticed a small article in yesterdays Parade Magazine, titled “Why is Congress Doing So Little.”

The current (Cliff Stearns) Congress has enacted less legislation than any Congress in the past ten years. The 110th Congress has passed just 260 laws and 74 of those were to rename some post offices.

A Republican from Illinois actually introduced legislation to declare June 30 as “Corvette Day.” Now, I am a big fan of old Corvettes, but it is a complete waste of my time to have Congress declare a “Corvette Day.

REP John Shimkus (R-Ill) said , “but we have to do something. These resolutions make it look like we’re working”

Rep. Shimkus should be ashamed, as should all members of Congress. I hope the voters of his district think long and hard before they vote for him again.

We should also think long and hard about our choice for Congress. Are these the kind of people we want serving our district……????? I think not.

Next, we will talk about filming at town meetings….Seems someone is a bit nervous ???

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